
Then: Two Near Death Abandoned Dogs. Now: Happy And Healthy Beloved Friends


Then: Two Near Death Abandoned Dogs. Now: Happy And Healthy Beloved Friends


The story began on July 6th, 2015, near an abandoned house in Chicago. Two policemen were just passing by when heard something terrifying. It sounded not human-like, but the emotion that was transferring through was obvious. It was pain and near-death weakness.

WitthayaP /

Policemen found them just in time

Officers decided to investigate the house and with the help of flashlights, they entered the dark haunted residence. As they were getting closer to the source of the noise, it became clear that it wasn’t a human producing that sound. They saw a heartbreaking picture: Two dogs nearly dead from starvation were lying in the corner. Two policemen immediately transferred poor animals to Trio Animal Foundation where absolutely shocked staff took care of them.

Recovery process

They named the white pit bull Oscar and the red female Emmy. Their condition was indeed terrifying and successful recovery was questionable. Their bodies were in starvation mode, and the reaction to food and nutrients was unpredictable. Feeding could cause organ failure and even death. Hence, they needed a special feeding regime. Miraculously, little by little, they started getting better.

While recovering, Emmy made friends with one of the vets, Anthony. When she was weak, Anthony would lift and carry her around his neck. And even when she started gaining strength, she always looked for her friend around the clinic. Eventually, after her recovery, Anthony adopted Emmy! Reminds us Tom Hardy’s love story.

Oscar has fully recovered as well. However, he did have some serious behavioral issues, which TAF specialists managed to solve by proper trainings. It’s a pity, they didn’t teach him how to play piano.

And by the end of September 2015, he was adopted by an experienced bulldog owner who could continue Oscar’s training.

Do not turn away from loved ones

Thankfully, the story ends in a good way. However, all of this shouldn’t have happened in first place. We would like to mention one great Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s quote from his novella “The Little Prince”:

You become responsible forever, for what you have tamed.

Let’s not abandon our beloved pets, for they have never done anything bad or anything wrong to us. They love us unconditionally, and they are hopeless without us.

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