
5 Common Smells Of The Female Intimate Area: Causes And Treatments


5 Common Smells Of The Female Intimate Area: Causes And Treatments

Have you ever noticed that the female intimate region has a very particular smell? Our entire body emits smells, including the genitals. You shouldn’t get alarmed if you notice smells, except in a few cases, which we’ll explain here in further detail.

There are several causes which determine the smell of the female intimate area. Let’s look at some:

1. Food

Have you ever heard the saying that we are what we eat? It exists for a reason and refers to how our body processes foods and excretes them via sweat. There are a series of products which cause strong smells, such as pepper, garlic, onion, and broccoli. The opposite occurs with citrus foods, which generate sweet smells.

2. Hormonal changes

The pre-ovulatory and ovulatory period cause hormonal imbalances in women. These conditions have an effect on the smell of our sweat. During menopause, women’s genitals may produce an unusual smell, due to the sudden drop in estrogen levels.

3. Sweat

The female intimate region isn’t exempt from secreting sweat. In fact, it is composed of apocrine sweat glands, which expel a liquid containing bacteria which has a very bad smell.

4. Infections

In the case of an infection, the smell will change noticeably. The most vulnerable groups are women of child-bearing age.

According to the female health expert, Jennifer Wider, M.D, we can identify at least 5 types of smells in the intimate area:

1. Fish

If the intimate region emits a strong fishy smell, an infection is likely present. Generally, this symptom is accompanied by others, such as secretions, itching, and pain while urinating.

2. Bleach

The use of certain products can contribute to this kind of smell. It’s not an infection, rather a change in the pH level.

3. Yeast

This is caused by a fungal infection. This kind of condition tends not to be very complicated and can be treated with anti-fungal medication.

4. Metallic smell

During the period, the smell of the blood itself can mix with that of the intimate region and produce a metallic aroma.

5. Sweet

Citric fruits such as oranges, pineapple, and grapefruit tend to result in a sweeter smell coming from the intimate region.

How to avoid unpleasant odors in the intimate region?

1. Always exercise good hygiene.

It’s important to maintain good daily hygiene, because cleanliness guarantees the removal of dead skin cells, sweat, and impurities. Avoid using scented or body soaps, because these fragrances can alter the natural pH level of the intimate region.

2. Deodorants for exterior surface use only

The use of aerosols or perfumes should be restricted to the exterior zones of the body since this can alter the natural chemistry of the intimate region and lead to bigger problems.

3. Frequently change underwear.

It’s much more beneficial to use 100% cotton underwear. It’s a breathable fabric which helps to eliminate sweat.

4. Using cleaning products to stabilize pH level.

There are some products available which are very appropriate for restoring the intimate region’s natural pH balance. Generally, they’re available over-the-counter. If the odor persists, perhaps you should seek medical help.

5. Apple cider vinegar baths

There is a very effective natural treatment to normalize the pH level of the intimate region and soften the smell generated in the area. Pour one or two cups of apple cider vinegar into a tub of lukewarm water.

6. Compresses with baking soda

Baking soda is a very good ingredient for balancing pH. Its use can be applied to compresses in the intimate region or in the bath. Just add half a cup of baking soda to a tub of lukewarm water and get in.

7. Eat yogurt.

Yogurt is rich in lactobacillus bacteria, which can fight infections causing bad odor in the intimate region. All you need to do is consume two tablespoons of natural, sugar-free yogurt every day. Plus, yogurt is also very good at stabilizing pH.

As you can see, not all smells produced by your body should be covered up, nor should they ever be a reason to feel ashamed. Some are perfectly natural to the body itself; others are caused by foods, hormonal imbalances, or infections. Getting to know our own body guarantees that we’ll be safe and always alert about the aromas we produce.

This article is solely for informational purposes. Do not treat yourself, and in all cases consult a certified healthcare professional before using any information presented in the article. The editorial board does not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for harm that may result from using the information provided in the article.

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