
Tired Of Dyeing Roots Every Few Weeks? Listen To A Star Stylist's Tips!


Tired Of Dyeing Roots Every Few Weeks? Listen To A Star Stylist's Tips!


Hair dyeing has become a routine procedure for many women. Some have found their perfect color and stay faithful to it for years, while others continue their bold experiments with varying techniques and shades. When grey hair appears, ladies resort to the services of hairdressers to mask this sign of ageing. You may have read our previous article about colors that help you look much younger and those that have gone out of mode.


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For every woman who dyes her hair, the passage of time becomes particularly evident. She has to periodically color the roots and refresh the shade for the hair to stay beautiful and well-groomed. But is it always possible? Most beautiful ladies have probably had the unpleasant experience of having missed the moment or even being embarrassed by their outgrown roots. Fortunately, there are several professional tricks that will allow you to attend a hair salon less often. They are shared famous stylist Pavel Sheff.


Публикация от PAVEL SHEFF (@sheffpavelstylist)

Why should we listen to him? Quality is Pavel’s top priority, which is why multinational celebrities queue up for an appointment with him. Also, he has been doing this for more than 10 years, so he literally knows everything about dyeing and hair care.


Публикация от PAVEL SHEFF (@sheffpavelstylist)


Публикация от PAVEL SHEFF (@sheffpavelstylist)

So, what to do to dye the roots less often?


Публикация от PAVEL SHEFF (@sheffpavelstylist)

1. The choice of technique

Fans of the monochrome may not like it, but the fact remains: some gradient techniques allow creating spectacular transitions of colors, while at the same time leaving the roots intact. Pavel recommends 3 of them.


Публикация от PAVEL SHEFF (@sheffpavelstylist)

  1. Balayage – the two-color effect of sun-burned locks (with only the surface layer colored) gives volume and depth to any type of hair.
  2. Air-Touch – in the process of dyeing, each strand is blow-dried. Only 30-50% of hair is dyed.
  3. Shatush – the color transition is smoother because it is created on the basis of backcombing.

Публикация от PAVEL SHEFF (@sheffpavelstylist)

2. Color matters

It is better to select the best shade for your hair with the help of a professional. To avoid mistakes, Pavel advised to try on a wig or go to the scarf store and find the tones that suit your face.


Публикация от PAVEL SHEFF (@sheffpavelstylist)

3. Cosmetics and care

Dyed hair needs more comprehensive and gentle care. Carefully consider the choice of the dyeing composition, shampoos, conditioners, serums, and styling products. You don’t necessarily have to overpay. A hair professional you trust can help you select good products suitable for your hair in cheaper lines. Finally, styling tools (hair dryers, irons, etc.) should also have a gentle effect. Opt for models that allow a range of temperatures and try to minimize the time of exposure.


Публикация от PAVEL SHEFF (@sheffpavelstylist)

Well-groomed hair is the business card of any self-respecting woman. Remember that if your hair has already been dyed, the transition to a new technique will take some time and several procedures.


Публикация от PAVEL SHEFF (@sheffpavelstylist)

Perhaps you have your own secrets of how to dye the hair less often and still look stunning?  Please share them with us!

This article is solely for informational purposes. Before using any of the information provided above, consult a certified specialist. Use of the information outlined above can be harmful to health. The editorial board does not guarantee any results and does not bear any responsibility for harm or other consequences that may result from the use of the information provided above.

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