
Small Change In Local Laws Helped This Woman Find Her 8 Siblings


Small Change In Local Laws Helped This Woman Find Her 8 Siblings


Sometimes, we do not pay close attention to the changes that happen in local laws and policies. Meanwhile, even the slightest improvement may change someone’s life in the way they’d never expected. And this is exactly what happened to Ellen Brotschol Noble from Union Beach, New Jersey.

From the age of 9, Ellen knew that her mom and dad were not her real parents. She was adopted. Ellen had a nice childhood and grew up in a loving family, but the woman never had a chance to learn anything about her biological parents – not until January 2017.

The thing is that before this law was passed, New Jersey residents who were adopted as kids had no legal access to any official information about their biological parents. So learning the truth about your biological family was a real issue for every adopted kid in the state. But when the Adoptees’ Birthright Act went into effect in January 2017, everything has finally changed.

The new law allows people who were born in New Jersey and then adopted to get access to the copies of their original birth certificates. Therefore, they can find out who their real parents were and try to reconnect with their biological families if they want.

This was exactly what Ms. Noble did. Once she has got a copy of her original birth certificate, Ellen started digging deeper, trying to learn as much as she possibly could about her biological parents. Although, the woman was not prepared for the surprise the life had for her.

From the Google search results, Ellen learned that her biological mom died a few years ago. Among the results of the search, there was a 2010 obituary that contained very important information. Along with her mother’s dates of birth and death, the obituary listed the names of four Ellen’s siblings. At that moment, Ellen realized that she was not the only kid as she thought her entire life. She had four close relatives she never thought even existed.

Even though she was afraid, Ellen made the first step towards reconnecting with her real family. She wrote a short letter to one of her sisters, Michelle, who lived in Old Bridge, New Jersey. Michelle called Ellen back, and just like that, the family reunion began.

After some time, the women performed a DNA test and discovered that they also shared the same father. And since Ellen’s biological father had four kids from his first marriage, the total number of her siblings increased up to eight.

Now, a woman who considered herself the only child for the last six decades is a part of a big family and one of nine siblings. Some people may think that it is a pity that Ellen and her brothers and sisters have lost so much time. It is true that they were separated for too long. But what really matters is that all the siblings are finally reunited. Now, there is nothing that can hold them back from making up for all the time they’ve lost.

Do you want to see the reunion of this unusual family? Watch the video below and see the siblings met their new sister. Enjoy the positive emotions coming from these happy people and share this story with your friends, so they can also get inspired by this amazing family reunion.

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