
Period Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing Situations


Period Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing Situations


We bet every girl wished at least once in her life of becoming a boy during her periods. But what if we told you that women had far more struggles a hundred years ago, that we are so much luckier than they were? And what if we told you about several super hacks you could use to make it easier and prevent future inconvenience or any embarrassing accidents from happening? Thankfully, the progress in this area came a long way to make a woman’s life less bloody and painful.

Period Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing SituationsPeriod Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing Situations' src=' /

Period hacks for cramps

First off, let’s talk about menstrual cramps. Some women barely feel any discomfort during periods, while others can experience severe pain and the desire to set the world on fire. Well, we’ve got some tips for the latter ones!

1. Yoga

Yoga is probably one of the best ways to relax your muscles, and some specific poses can even calm down the cramps. Try doing the Bow pose, also known as Dhanurasana. Simply lie down on your belly, bend the knees (the feet to the buttocks) and grab your ankles. Then lift your legs and torso, leaving only your pelvic area on the floor, and hold this pose. Remember, to do things slowly, gently, and within your breathing rhythm.

Period Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing SituationsPeriod Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing SituationsWoman practices yoga, the bow pose in particular' src=' /

2. Calcium, magnesium, vitamin D

It is known that these supplements can help some women can counter menstrual cramps. Calcium and vitamin D can relax muscles, whereas the common magnesium deficiency during the last two weeks of the cycle can provoke headaches and cramps.

3. Taking a hot shower or applying a heating pad

Heat soothes away the pain caused by muscle tension. It relaxes muscles and provides relief. You can also try to sleep it off if there’s such opportunity.

4. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol

These substances can stimulate your muscles to contract and worsen the pain. Instead, try drinking warm water or ginger tea. Evening primrose oil is also known to be a great hack for period cramps in some women. However, avoid using it if you are taking other medication. Also, it is important to stay hydrated.

5. Walking

It has been proven that regular light aerobic exercises can help alleviate the symptoms of PMS. It increases your levels of endorphin, a hormone that helps your body deal with pain and depression. If you are feeling really bad, however, don’t force yourself. Learn to listen to your body.

Period Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing SituationsPeriod Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing Situations' src=' /

Period hacks at school

First of all, never be ashamed to use the restroom. You can tell that you need to pee if you don’t want to feel embarrassed in front of your male teacher or classmates, but it is important to go to the toilet as soon as possible. Now let’s proceed with some hacks and tips for periods.

1. Know when the red days are coming. This will help you to avoid any surprises. Remember, though, your menstrual cycle might not be regular at the beginning. There are many mobile apps to help you track your periods, like Period Tracker MIA, Clue, My Calendar, etc.

2. Proper preparation is essential. We recommend always having the following items with you: pads, an extra pair of underwear, over-the-counter meds to alleviate the symptoms (in case you don’t have any, try adding chocolate to your diet.

3. Ask for help. If you don’t have any pads, it is perfectly fine to ask your friends if they have any for you to use. You can even visit the nurse to ask for feminine products and supplies.

4. Make an emergency pad when there are no other options. Wrap the toilet paper around your hand more than ten times and place it in your underwear (lengthwise). Then, grab another long piece of the toilet paper and wrap it around the emergency pad several times. Though uncomfortable, it can help you out in case of sudden periods.

5. Cover your waist by wrapping a jacket around your waist, if you feel that the blood will leak through your clothes, and you cannot do anything about it. Also, some women prefer wearing darker clothes when they are expecting the period to start.

Period Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing SituationsPeriod Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing SituationsShocked woman keeps hands on mouth with jacket around her waist' src=' studio /

Period hacks at night

No one likes to wake up and discover themselves in the “bloody” bed. Unfortunately, such things do happen from time to time. Therefore, you need to know some hacks and tips on how to prevent it.

1. Overnight pads. These pads absorb more blood and are made specially for nighttime. The longer the pad is, the more it will absorb. Warning: do not use super-absorbent tampons, as leaving one for more than 8 eight can be deadly (due to toxic shock syndrome).

2. Menstrual cups. Unlike tampons, cups can be worn during sleep. Cups can absorb more than tampons or pads. It is recommended to empty and rinse the cup every 8-10 hours. You might still get toxic shock syndrome if the cup is worn for more than 12 hours.

3. Cloth pads. What are the advantages of cloth pads? Firstly, they provide better airflow, which in turn, prevents the growth of unwanted bacteria. And secondly, many women consider them more comfortable than the regular ones.

4. Period underwear. Though it might not seem too appealing, period panties are widely considered the most comfortable tool, especially when dealing with light flows. Unfortunately, period panties do not work well for women with heavy flows.

Period Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing SituationsPeriod Hacks That Could Help You To Avoid Uncomfortable And Embarrassing SituationsYoung woman holding pink menstrual cup' src=' Polishko /

Nowadays, we have lots of tools at our disposal to deal with periods. And luckily, the stigma around menstruation seems to pass away. Let’s share our knowledge about the feminine nature and make other women feel proud of who they are!

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