
9 Ways To Get Rid Of Pests Bugging Indoor Plants


9 Ways To Get Rid Of Pests Bugging Indoor Plants


For most gardeners, fighting pests is a familiar activity. Whether the plants are in a yard, in a greenhouse or potted plants indoors, insects find a way to get to them.

For indoor plants, there is a high chance that infestation may be acute, seeing as the plants are usually not many. Common pests like spider mites, whiteflies, aphids, ants and mealy bugs make their home in plant’s soil.

If ever you discover that your plants have been infested, it is advisable that you take action as soon as possible to avoid a spread. And these solutions could help save your precious indoor plants.

1. When it comes to fighting pests, water is your friend.

If the infestation is in its early stages and the insects are visible on your plant, a very simple solution is to use water. Take your plant to your sink or an open space. If you have a spray attachment, attach it to your faucet and gently spray away the insects on the plant.

Alternatively, you can wear garden gloves and brush the insects off. Soft brushes also come in useful for this.

2. Insecticidal soap

You can purchase any good insecticidal soap that is available on the market and use it to clean plants. Alternatively, you can always make your own. Dishwashing detergent is mild and will not cause any real damage to your plant.

It is also advisable to avoid detergents that have additives of harsh chemicals that may damage your plant. A mix of 1 teaspoon of detergent per gallon is recommended. You can then put the mix in a spray bottle and spray the plants.

3. Neem oil

It is important to read instructions when using neem oil. This plant extract is a powerful fungicide and easily absorbed by plants. The action continues even against insects that are below the surface.

Use of neem is approved by the Environmental Protection Association on food plants as well as flowers.

4. Use whitefly traps.

Whitefly traps are also very effective against pests. Some are even specially designed to kill mature insects, thus reducing the likelihood of multiplication and further infestation.

These sticky traps are non-toxic, and safe for indoor use.

5. Use other plants.

There are certain plants that contain natural repellants. These can be placed beside your houseplants. Farmers employ the same method on larger scales and it has been proven to be equally effective.

It is a safer way to control pests, as having more plants help the environment and fewer chemicals are involved.

6. Rubbing alcohol.

With a cotton swab, rub your plants to remove insects. This process does take a lot of time but works great against pests such as aphids and mealybugs.

7. Soil toppers

Gnatnix is a popular sand topper that is particularly effective when used to cover soil. Diatomaceous earth toppings could also help fight soil gnats and other pests in the soil.

8. Dried catnip

Ants can be a major problem, but a sachet of dried catnip can keep them well away from your houseplant. It also works wonders for your home.

9. Vinegar

Finally, vinegar is also a good way to go to help protect plants from pests and other insects.

Still, knowing when to let go is essential. It may hurt, however, sometimes getting rid of an infested plant and getting a new one may save you a lot of worries.

This material is provided for informational purposes only. Some of the products and items discussed in this article may cause an allergic reaction and damage your health. Before use, consult a certified technician/specialist. The editorial board is not responsible for any harm or other consequences that may be caused by the use of the methods, products or items described in this article.

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