Adorable Baby Girl Listens Carefully To Daddy's Prayer Before Dinner To Say 'Amen' At The Right Moment


Adorable Baby Girl Listens Carefully To Daddy's Prayer Before Dinner To Say 'Amen' At The Right Moment

Kids follow their parents’ example in everything, starting from the way they walk and talk to the way they behave at the table before dinner. And today, we have a short video of a little baby girl who amazed people with her pray.

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As soon as her dad starts to pray, the little baby grabs both her parents’ hands and closes her eyes. For the next few seconds, she does her best to remain as calm and silent as a 20-month-old baby possibly can be. And when her father says the last words of his prayer, she opens her eyes, smiles, and excitedly says “Amen!

Of course, it is up to parents to decide whether they want to teach their kids how to pray or not. But for those who do want to help their little ones to get more comfortable with saying graces and talking to the Lord, we have a few simple tips.

Be an example for your kids

The easiest way to teach your kids how to talk to God is by letting them see you praying. Common prayers before dinner, like the one in the video above, is a great way to get your acquainted with the process.

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Choose age-appropriate prayers

Consider your kids’ age when you pray with them. Make prayers short and simple for the younger children, so they won’t get scared away by the long and difficult words they cannot understand.

Present it as a conversation

Explain it to your kids that a prayer is, first of all, a conversation with the Lord. Therefore, they can use their own words to address whatever bothers them at the moment to ask (or to thank) God for His help and guidance.

These easy tips can make it a bit easier for you to teach your kids how to pray. Do you have any other advice on how to make children more comfortable with talking to the Lord? Share your experience with us in a comment below.

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