Always Tired Husband: 5 Signs That Your Partner Is Tired Of You But Not Of His Work


Always Tired Husband: 5 Signs That Your Partner Is Tired Of You But Not Of His Work


Granted, there are times in any relationship when things may not be going so well. The problems may be serious or just minor issues that need to be cleared up. Yet, the most important thing is to recognize the problem and the reasons for it!

Fatigue and boredom are the top relationship-killers. Likewise, they are often the problems many people unable to notice until it’s too late! Maybe they think their husband is always tired because of work or other problems, but not of them!

Voyagerix /

People often are blindsided when they hear that their partner is done with them. Are you worried that you’ve ticked them off to the point of no return?

These are the signs he’s tired of you and is totally fed up.

You’re Never Satisfied.

Just because your man doesn’t do things the way YOU want him to do, it doesn’t mean he’s wrong, and it doesn’t give you permission to complain about everything. Extend a “thank you” rather than a turned-up nose and side-eye.

Dima Sidelnikov /

Your Attitude Is Terrible

Many will say, “Well, I only have an attitude because he….” As true as that is sometimes, many times actually, the attitude problem has nothing to do with him and everything to do with you or everyone else.

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You Talk to and Treat Him Like a Child

A fundamental need for a man is respect. When you speak to him as if he is a child, it’s the fastest way to raise his defenses and cause him to shut down.

Andrey_Popov /

You Keep Bringing Up the Past

You said you forgave him, you said you were over the situation. Yet every time there’s a disagreement, the same issue seems to come right back up. You use words like “ALWAYS” or “EVERY TIME” during an argument even when you know it’s not true!

Roman Samborskyi /

You Don’t Make Time for Him

"I take care of our children" and many other serious things. Yet, the person that gets the leftovers of your time is your husband.

What to do when your husband is tired all the time

To help your marriage become better than what it is now you have to make sure your marriage is priority number one. You can’t expect your marriage to get better when you don’t make it the number one priority over everything else in your life.

Inara Prusakova /

Your job, your kids, your friends, and everything else that doesn’t have to do with you and your spouse should be put on the back burner. At this stage in the game, your marriage has to be the center of attention.

Be honest, caring, and try to remember the times when you just first met! It’s not so difficult to restore your past feelings! Give your husband hugs and kisses, focus on his best sides and remember that status "Happily married" is real and you can achieve it!

The material in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice of a certified specialist.

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