It's Not A Random Decision: The Way Women Carry Their Bags Tells A Lot About Their Personalities


It's Not A Random Decision: The Way Women Carry Their Bags Tells A Lot About Their Personalities


We usually spend a lot of time picking the handbag that would be great to wear with everything and everywhere. Black, white or red, big or small, we try to choose the best option for different outfits. Your bag can tell a lot about your life. Moreover, the way you hold your bag isn’t a random decision. Viktoria Minkova /

The way you hold your bag says a lot about your personality. Well, it sounds unbelievable, but some gestures and habits can say about you. Keep reading and you can tell us whether we are spot on.

It can be something like a personality test when you pay attention to body language. What is body language? In simple terms, body language is the unspoken part of communication that we use to show our true feelings and emotions.

Body language plays a huge role in communication. One of the most revealing body language examples is how a woman holds her handbag. According to body language experts, there are several styles of carrying your bag and here is what it says about you.

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Personality test: how you hold your handbag

1. The backpack

Wearing your bag on your back means you are independent and strong. Your bag gives a powerful message that you are prepared for everything. You know what you want and you aren’t concerned about other people’s opinions. You set your own standards and love being self-sufficient.

Maria Savenko /

2. Holding your bag in your hand

Holding your bag in your hand can be comfortable if the bag is small. However, much more than showing your style, this position shows your assertive and organized nature. This also speaks of an ambitious nature. In addition, people who carry their bags this way are trying to draw attention to their outfits.

Elaine Nadiv /

3. Slung over your shoulder

This style reveals you’re very practical and willing to display your freedom rather than your style. You think more about getting things done on time than about fashion.

Punchalit Chotiksatian /

4. The crossbody

Wearing your bag crossed over your body looks like a defense. This is also a very safe way to hold your bag as it can never fall off, especially if you’re a very busy person. However, holding your bag this way can show you’re defensive and insecure. It also means that you can be shy.

Superlime /

5. Wearing your bag in front of you

This style of holding your bag means you are a defensive person but can also come across as trying to hide something. You use your bag as a cover.

N Azlin Sha /

It sounds interesting, doesn’t it? However, remember that all these explanations do not apply to every woman who carries her bag in such a manner. It usually depends on the situation.

Do you agree with this test? Or do you have anything to add? Don’t forget to share this personality test with your girl pals!

The material in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice of a certified specialist.

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