Fit And Beautiful: Meghan Markle Top Tips For Staying Healthy And Looking Good


Fit And Beautiful: Meghan Markle Top Tips For Staying Healthy And Looking Good

Meghan Markle is a very beautiful and stunning woman. Just by looking at her, you can tell she takes care of herself. Today, she’s one of the most popular women in the world, and people simply want to know, how does she stay so gorgeous?

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Leaving the TV-star lifestyle behind.

The American actress confirmed that she was leaving the TV show Suits shortly after her engagement to Prince Harry. During the couple’s first joint TV interview, she said:

I just see it as a change… It’s a new chapter, right? And also keep in mind I’ve been working on my show for seven years. So we were very, very fortunate to be able to have that sort of longevity on a series, and for me once we hit the 100 episode marker I thought, you know what, I have – I have ticked this box and I feel really proud of the work I have done there and now it’s time to, as you said work – work as a team with – with you.

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She went on to say she will now be spending her time on causes she’s passionate about.

Her beauty regimen

Just because she’s no longer an actress does not mean she does not look as glamorous as one. But her beauty is not an accident. She spends some time and effort on maintaining her youthful look. Here are some tips she has shared over the years.


On health and fitness

Meghan once told The Chalkboard that "it’s all about balance," when she was asked how she combined her job as an actress and leading a healthy life.

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To Best Health Magazine, she said she was always conscious of the fact that she’s getting older.

I make sure that I take care of my skin and body, especially with the work hours I have. And I don’t just take care of myself for aesthetic reasons, but because how I feel is dictated by what I’m eating, how much rest I’m getting, and how much water I’m drinking.


She later told Women’s Health magazine that she found working out very therapeutic.

My health, my state of mind, the feeling you have after a workout, all of these things drive me to step onto my mat or go to the gym. Sometimes, the idea of working out sounds absolutely dreadful, but I always remind myself of how good it will feel afterwards. Euphoric, almost!


The food she eats

As an actress, Meghan made sure she nourished her body the right way. She revealed to Best Health Magazine that when she was filming, she preferred a plant-based diet.

I try to eat vegan during the week and then have a little bit more flexibility with what I dig into on the weekends.


It’s all about balance for her in this scenario, as well.

Because I work out the way I do, I don’t ever want to feel deprived. I feel that the second you do that is when you start to binge on things. It’s not a diet; it’s lifestyle eating.

Meghan has said a couple of times that green juice is her go-to drink and one of her favorites. But she admitted that french fries were her guilty pleasure.

Her favorite workout

Meghan once shared pictures of herself practising yoga on her now-deleted Instagram account. She told Women’s Health:

My mom was a yoga instructor, so that practice is in my blood.


Other beauty and makeup tips

A few years ago, she shared some of her makeup tricks with Birchbox. Check out her interview below.


So, if you are feeling a little bit envious of Meghan’s near-perfect looks, you now have all the information you need to achieve the same.

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